PHD LCD Cart, 1 Drawer | ||||||
Secure Medication Delivery
The auto-locking drawer and user security system ensure that patients are receiving the right medication from the right medical staff member.
Ergonomic Innovation
This medical computer cart is designed for sitting or standing, with single-motion fluid adjustment to promote comfort and productivity.
Fully Adjustable
Easy to maneuver height adjustment can accommodate a wide range of users 5' to 6'1" tall, and the LCD can be adjusted a full 25 inches up or down.
Designed for Ease of Use
The back-tilt keyboard tray ensures wrists remain in a neutral position to avoid repetitive stress injury.
Sanitary Design
Seamless work surface construction promotes infection control.
Staying Organized
Mounting slot for accessories and rear basket keep needed items handy and easily accessible.
PHD LCD Cart, 1 Drawer
Reviewed by LCD On Sunday, August 14, 2011, at 2:49 AM
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LCD Monitors,
Medical Carts
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