The Audiovox FPE1907DV 19" LCD TV delivers excellent screen images for maximum screen viewing. The award winning flat screen provides exceptional precision for distortion free video, graphics and engineered imaging all inclusive features you expect from Audiovox. With the 1440 x 900 maximum resolution, you'll fit more on the screen so you scroll less and enhance your productivity. New screen technology and ultra fine 0.21mm horizontal dot pitch deliver vivid colors with brilliantly sharp images.
* Viewable Image Size: 19"
* Resolution: 1440 x 900
* Contrast Ratio: 1000:1
* Connectivity: VGA (HD-15), NTSC/ATSC
* Cabinet Color: Black
* Environments: PC Compatible
* Warranty: One Year Limited
Audiovox FPE1907DV 19" LCD TV
Reviewed by LCD On Thursday, August 25, 2011, at 9:22 AM
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